

Author: Captain Marryat
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date of publication: 2000/8/17


1. flame
Page 4
Context: He looked back and saw the flames of Arnwood shooting higher and higher above the trees.
Definition: Hot bright burning gas that you see when something is on fire
Example: The boy dashed through flames to pull his brother to safety.

2. pretend
Page 7
Context: You must go to bed and pretend to be ill.
Definition: To behave as if something is true when in fact you know it is not, in order to deceive people or for fun
Example: She often pretended to be a student.

3. mend
Page 12
Context:Alice learned hot to cook and mend clothes.
Definition: To repair a tear or hole in a piece of clothing
Example: Mend holes and tears in clothes before you wash them.

4. calf
Page 15
Context: She's left the other cows because of her new-born calf.
Definition: The baby of a cow, or of some other large animals
Example: The calf was born last week.

5. fortnight
Page 17
Context: Every day for a fortnight Humphrey brought grass to the cow.
Definition: Two weeks
Example: I have a fortnight's holiday.

6. ladder
Page 24
Context: He ran back to the stables and found a ladder.
Definition: A piece of equipment used for climbing up to or down from high places
Example: I leaned a ladder on the wall.

7. lovingly
Page 27
Context: In the evening Jacob spoke to them all very lovingly, one by one.
Definition: With love
Example: He gazed lovingly at his children.

This is a story about four Beverley children. They have no parents, their mother is dead and their father died while fighting for the King Charles. King Charles is in prison, and there is fighting everywhere in the England. Cromwell's men against the King's men. Cromwell's soldiers have burnt their home, and they have nothing. But, they have one true friend. His name is Jacob Armitage. He is old and living in the forest. Jacob help them to live in the forest. He taught how to hunt for meat, plant vegetables, and look after the farm animals to them.
One day, time has come. The King 's son has arrived in Scotland and is now King Charles II. To help the king, eldest child Edward headed for the battlefield, and won by help of France and other countries. After the battle, four Beverley children built new house on the same place as the house before it had been burnt.

I was very impressed by four children's strong will of living through the life. They got over unhappy situation while helping each other. Finally, they avenged their father's death.


The Japanese Economy

Where: Chap4, Economic History, Part 3 Postwar Recovery (1945-1964), The Japanese Economy, by David Flath


1. aggregate
Page 71, line 1
Context: The time chart of aggregate output in Japan from 1885 to the present is marked by a deep valley.
Definition: The total after a lot of different figures or points have been added together
Example: The three smaller parties gained an aggregate of 25 per cent of the vote.

2. hail
Page 71, line 6
Context: The ensuing steep ascent out of that trough has been widely hailed as the "Japanese miracle".
Definition: To describe someone or something as being very good
Example: It was hailed as a great work of art.

3. occupation
Page 71, line 11
Context: The occupation government promulgated a number of economic reforms.
Definition: W
hen a large group of people enter a place and take control of it, especially by military force
Example: The occupation Army came to Japan in 1945.

4. accumulate
Page 71, line 26
Context: the pace of technological advance, and nation's desire to accumulate wealth
To gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of time
Example: He began to accumulate a great fortune.

5. devastate
Page 72, line 1
Context: Some of the nations devastated by World War 2.
Damage something very badly or completely
Example: The city centre was devastated by the bomb.

6. organ
Page 72, line 35
Context: at an early point, the American government opted not to abolish the exiting organs of government in Japan.
Definition: Formal an organization that is part of, or works for, a larger organization or group
The courts are organs of government.

7. majority
Page 73, line 26
Context: The prime minister and majority of Cabinet must be Diet members.
Definition: Most of the people or things in a group
Example: The majority of women like being given flowers.

I am taking Japanese Economy and Business. This document was distributed by that class. It has written about the economy of Japan in postwar and the occupations by the United States.
There were many words which I did not know. I used dictionary to read it. I could understand what it is saying.
Anyway, I went to the library and found "Screenplay" book. So, I will try it.



Author: Rudyard Kipling
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date of publication: 2000/8/17


1. roar
Page 4
Context: And Shere Khan's roar filled the cave with noise.
Definition: A deep, loud noise made by an animal such as a lion, or by someone's voice
Example: I could barely hear above the roar of traffic.

2. hiss
Page 22
Context: 'Nearer' hissed Kaa, and they all moved forward again.
Definition: To say something in a loud whisper
Example: The snake lifted its head and hissed.

3. deer
Page 26
Context: Akela cannot kill his deer in the hunt.
Definition: A large wild animal that can run very fast, eats grass, and has horns
Example: I found deers in the zoo.

4. frightened
Page 29
Context: He looked at the frightened wolves.
Definition: Feeling afraid
Example: I am frightened of walking home alone in the dark.

5. ravine
Page 35
Context: But now he is hiding in the big dry ravine of the Waingunga.
Definition: A deep narrow valley with steep sides
Example: I found beautiful ravine in the mountain.

The main character of this story is Mowgli. He is a human child, but he knows nothing of the world of men. He is brought up by the wolf in the jungle. He lives and hunts with his brothers the wolves. Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther are his friends and teachers. Mowgli learns the Law of the Jungle from them. One day, Mowgli was kidnapped by monkeys. Baloo and Bagheera saved Mowgli from monkeys by python's help.
Shere Khan, the man-eating tiger was Mowgli's enemy. They fought at the ravine. Mowgli won by his friend's help. Mowgli tried to return to man's life, but he was not able to be accepted by man. He backed to jungle and lived with animals happily.

I could read this book pleasantly. I love this story. I learnt that this story was a movie. I really want to watch that movie.



Author: L.M.Montgomery
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date of publication:2004/11/4

1. beard
Page 1
Context: Matthew was nearly sixty and had a long brown beard.
Definition: Hair that grows around a man's chin and cheeks
Example: My father shaved his long beard.

2. orphan
Page 2
Context: The children's home is sending us one of their orphan boy.
Definition: A child whose parents are both dead
Example: My friend is orphan, he is living alone.

3. plait
Page 2
Context: She was about eleven, with long red hair in two plaits.
Definition: Long piece of something, especially hair, that is divided into three parts and woven together
Example: My sister has beautiful plaits.

4. sob
Page 5
Context: She sobbed.
Definition: To cry noisily while breathing in short sudden bursts
Example: I sobbed with grief when my grandmother dead.

5. crossly
Page 7
Context: Matthew Cuthbert, are you telling me that you want to keep her?'asked Marilla crossly.
Definition: In a bad temper
Example: My mother answered very crossly.

6. supper
Page 22
Context: She found the kitchen empty, and no supper on the table.
Definition: The meal that you have in the early evening
Example: I invited him to supper.

The brother and sister of an aged farmer wanted to adopt an orphan, to help on the farm at Green Gables. They asked for a boy, but they got Anne, who has red hair and freckles. They were going to send her back to the Children's home first. But, they decided to take care of her while knowing Ann's beautiful mind and an unhappy background. Anne loved to talk and fantasy. She made trouble occasionally.
She studied very hard and became a teacher at the school. However, the foster parent became sick, and it was not possible to go to a distant school. At that time, friend's Gilbert went to a distant school instead of Ann. She was able to be by the foster parent.

It was the first time to actually read though I had heard the name of this story. Anne was very kind person and worked very hard. I want to be like her.