Author: O. Henry
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date of publication: 2000/10/18
page 10
Context: Nobody could see his trousers. (誰も彼のズボンを見ることができなかった)
Definition: A piece of clothing that covers the body from the waist down and is divided into two parts to cover each leg separately.
Example: I washed my trousers.
2. amnesia
page 19
Context: It is possible that he has amnesia.(彼は記憶喪失になった可能性がある)
Definition: Medical condition in which somebody partly or completely loses their memory
Example: I recovered from amnesia.
3. memento
Page 33
Context: The memento (記念物)
Definition: A thing that you keep or give to somebody to remind you or them of a person or place
Example: I have memento of my father.
There are 5 short stories in this book. All of the main characters of 5 stories are living in New York. I like first story. The tittle is The Christmas Presents. It was very warm story.
The main character is Della. She and her husband was very poor but they lived happily without money. One Christmas day, Della exchaged her beautiful long hair to money to buy present for her husband. Her husband excanged his treasure to money to buy present for Della too. It was very good story.
1 件のコメント:
Excellent!! Keep up the good work!