

Author: Catherine Cookson
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date of publication:2000/3/23


1. stream

Page 13

Context: He took the bucket and began to walk across the field to find the stream.

Definition: A natural flow of water that moves across the land and is narrower than a river

Example: A small stream ran down among the rocks.

2. stroke

Page 17

Context: Matty slowly and lovingly stroked its ears.

Definition: To move your hand gently over something

Example: The cat loves being stroked.

3. blister

Page 18

Context: Willie had a big blister on his foot.

Definition: A swelling on your skin containing clear liquid

Example: I broke a blister caused by a burn.

4. heap

Page 20

Context: You can work on the heap.

Definition: A large untidy pile of things

Example: There is a heap of sand.

5. valley

Page 24

Context: And Betsy shot off down the hill and up the far side of the valley.

Definition: An area of lower land between two lines of hills or mountains

Example: That city lies in a valley surrounded by high mountains.

6. whistle

Page 24

Context: Mr Walsh whistled once.

Definition: To make a high or musical sound by blowing air out through your lips

Example: The umpire whistled for the player to stop.

7. lick

Page 35

Context: She licked Matty's face.

Definition: To move your tongue across the surface of something in order to eat it, wet it, clean it

Example: A boy is licking an ice-cream.

The main character was Matty. He wanted to work with animals and get a job on a farm when he leaves school. But he was living in a town in the north east of England, a long way from farm. He will had to work for ship-building like his father. He was only fifteen and his parents said he can't leave home yet.
He went to two week camp with the friend in father's friend's farm one day. They experienced life with the farm. It was painful and serious, but Matty liked it very much. He worked very hard and enjoyed camping. He was lost in the mountain with his friend and father's friend's dog. They could return safely by Matty's calm behavior. After that happening, Matty's parents understood he was an adult enough. So,his parents permitted him to work at the farm.

I felt admiration for Matty's strong will. I would like to find goal like him.


Robinson Crusoe

Tittle: Robinson Crusoe
Author: Daniel Defoe
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date of publication:2000/8/17


Page 3
Context: They were famous thieves of the sea at that time.
Definition: Someone who steals things from another person or place
Example: My friends were thieves, they were caught by the police.
Page 5
Context: Swim to the shore.
Definition: The land along the edge of a large area of water such as an ocean or lake
Example: I walked along the shore of the Pacific Ocean.
Page 8
Context: I think they were leopards.
Definition: A large animal of the cat family, with yellow fur and black spots, which lives in Africa and South Asia
Example: My favorite animal is leopard.
Page 12
Context: It was wrecked and there was nobody near it.
Definition: Destroy a ship
Example: We saved a ship from wreck.
Page 14
Context: I found a little cave in the side of a hill.
Definition: A large natural hole in the side of a cliff or hill, or under the ground
Example: The primitive humans were living in the caves.
Page 22
Context: There were many goats on the island.
Definition: An animal that has horns on top of its head and long hair under its chin, and can climb steep hills and rocks
Example: My family is drinking goat's milk everyday.

I knew this story, so I could understand easily. It took about one and a half hours to finish reading this book. There were some words which I didn't know, but I understood meanings of these words now.
The main character was Robinson Crusoe. He was born in the city of York in the north of England. He wanted adventure and an exciting life. He decided to be a sailor, and to travel the seas of the world. In 1659, he was sailing from Brazil to Africa with his friends. One day there was a terrible storm. The ship was wrecked. He was the only survivor of the accident. He expressed gratitude for surviving. He reached the uninhabited island. There were no food, no boat, no way of escape. Then, he lived for 27 years at there. After the hard life of 27 years, he was able to return to the England safely.

I was impressed that he bravely faced the danger. He never gave it up.




Author: O. Henry

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Date of publication: 2000/10/18



page 10

Context: Nobody could see his trousers. (誰も彼のズボンを見ることができなかった)

Definition: A piece of clothing that covers the body from the waist down and is divided into two parts to cover each leg separately.

Example: I washed my trousers.

2. amnesia

page 19

Context: It is possible that he has amnesia.(彼は記憶喪失になった可能性がある)

Definition: Medical condition in which somebody partly or completely loses their memory

Example: I recovered from amnesia.

3. memento

Page 33

Context: The memento (記念物)

Definition: A thing that you keep or give to somebody to remind you or them of a person or place

Example: I have memento of my father.

There are 5 short stories in this book. All of the main characters of 5 stories are living in New York. I like first story. The tittle is The Christmas Presents. It was very warm story.

The main character is Della. She and her husband was very poor but they lived happily without money. One Christmas day, Della exchaged her beautiful long hair to money to buy present for her husband. Her husband excanged his treasure to money to buy present for Della too. It was very good story.


Author: jannifer Bassett
Publisher: Oxford University press
Date of publication: 2000/10/26

I borrowed this book from school library. There are three short stories in this book. Three stories concerned a train. I like first one. The tittle of this story is The Girl With Green Eyes.
The main character is Julie. She is very beautiful and has green eyes. She was traveling with her husband by train. There were seven people in the carriage. Her husband was talking with a man for a long time. She was boring and tired. She was interested in a man who were sitting in front of her. He was reading news paper and guidebook of Italy. She thought it is interesting. Then, she got off the train with him.

This book is very easy to read. I could understand all words. I will try to read higher level books.