

Author: Catherine Cookson
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date of publication:2000/3/23


1. stream

Page 13

Context: He took the bucket and began to walk across the field to find the stream.

Definition: A natural flow of water that moves across the land and is narrower than a river

Example: A small stream ran down among the rocks.

2. stroke

Page 17

Context: Matty slowly and lovingly stroked its ears.

Definition: To move your hand gently over something

Example: The cat loves being stroked.

3. blister

Page 18

Context: Willie had a big blister on his foot.

Definition: A swelling on your skin containing clear liquid

Example: I broke a blister caused by a burn.

4. heap

Page 20

Context: You can work on the heap.

Definition: A large untidy pile of things

Example: There is a heap of sand.

5. valley

Page 24

Context: And Betsy shot off down the hill and up the far side of the valley.

Definition: An area of lower land between two lines of hills or mountains

Example: That city lies in a valley surrounded by high mountains.

6. whistle

Page 24

Context: Mr Walsh whistled once.

Definition: To make a high or musical sound by blowing air out through your lips

Example: The umpire whistled for the player to stop.

7. lick

Page 35

Context: She licked Matty's face.

Definition: To move your tongue across the surface of something in order to eat it, wet it, clean it

Example: A boy is licking an ice-cream.

The main character was Matty. He wanted to work with animals and get a job on a farm when he leaves school. But he was living in a town in the north east of England, a long way from farm. He will had to work for ship-building like his father. He was only fifteen and his parents said he can't leave home yet.
He went to two week camp with the friend in father's friend's farm one day. They experienced life with the farm. It was painful and serious, but Matty liked it very much. He worked very hard and enjoyed camping. He was lost in the mountain with his friend and father's friend's dog. They could return safely by Matty's calm behavior. After that happening, Matty's parents understood he was an adult enough. So,his parents permitted him to work at the farm.

I felt admiration for Matty's strong will. I would like to find goal like him.

2 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

Very good!! I think you are doing a great job!

I'm happy to see that you are able to read whole books like this. If you would like to write about fewer of the words that you studied and spend more time on reading that would be fine with me.

Shin さんのコメント...

I will read more a lot of books!